How to Have a good Training Day on a Bad Day

Having a bad day? You can still have a good training day!

Too often we have a bad day where our energy is low and our training suffers. The day just seems like an accumulation of events you’d rather not have happen, such as accidentally sleeping in, a bad grade, you step in something horrible…this list can go on forever. When these days happen it is often hard to get a workout in, let alone a great one.

To make conquering your workout easier you need to put it into perspective of what you’ll really doing. First of all, you throw because you love it and its fun. Second of all you need to break the workout into the actual “work” portions and see what you’re up against. When you look at it closely, 2 to 3 hours of training really isn’t much work at all. Here’s how to look at a big workout:

Sample workout

Time per rep/set
Total time on task
Warm up
8 minutes
6 minutes
25 reps
5-7 seconds
3 minutes
Pud throws/twists
100 reps
5 minutes
Weight training
20 sets
30-45 seconds
15 minutes
Cool down
8 minutes

Total time alert and on task: 45 minutes
(This is probably an exaggeration of what actual time all this takes.)

So as you can see the work that probably takes up about 2 hours of your day calls for only about 30 minutes of being “on your game” for throwing and lifting reps. The rest of training is just resting, waiting, and often times socializing (which isn’t bad for a person). So next time you have a bad day, just tell yourself that you can get through it one rep at a time! Each time you grab an implement or step up to the bar give it all you’ve got, no matter how the world is treating you that day.